Monday, July 26, 2010

You--Three Weeks

You're sleeping on the couch, snuggled up for the moment with your daddy, who has fallen asleep there for the time being.
I came upstairs only to get myself ready for bed while you were peaceful but then decided to take a minute and update this for you.

You'll be three weeks old in the morning.
And every week, you're different

I mentioned to daddy earlier this week that we no longer cap you with those sweet little newborn hats.
That was one of my favorite things about your first few days.
Those little caps absolutely scream Fresh Baby and so I find them to be sorely missing in our accessories department suddenly.

You're fast growing out of all of the muted-colored sleeping gowns that I bought especially for you.
Your tiny feet are starting to dangle out of the bottom.

That horrid pattern of "good night, heinous night" left when I asked that it leave.
Thank you for that.
You're sleeping magnificently at night, giving me a good three to four hour stretch and though I'm still sacked in the morning, it's the best I can hope for with you being so small still.
You spend the whole late evening, from about 9:00pm until midnight cluster feeding, with me nursing every hour or so, until we're both ready for bed. 
Frankly, this is my least favorite round of nursing but I do enjoy the time spent alone in bed with you and this is your way of gearing up for the nighttime stretch of slumber so I really can't complain.

My only real complaint is that you're a light sleeper and are very easily awoken.
We have to be really, really quiet in our bedroom when you're snoozing there otherwise you'll wake up and guess who you want DESPERATELY when you do?

A few times you've caught your thumb, seemingly by accident and the way you would suck it seemed so awkward.  You'd manage to get the thumb in your mouth but you'd keep the rest of your hand wide open.  Tonight though, you sucked it for real and soothed yourself to sleep while Lynn held you. 
I was SWOONING ridiculously, I just thought you were so sweet and cute and it was perhaps the most precious thing any of our babies has ever done.
We've never had a thumb sucker before and while I dread dealing with it later if it sticks as a habit, I simply find it adorable right now.
And it's made me wonder if maybe you and your thumb had met before, possibly in the womb?

Speaking of that, I'm quite certain that you've showed me your preferred womb position and it's also the most awkward looking thing!  I went to change your diaper the other day and you folded yourself up so comfortably but it was wild to see because it just looked so uncomfortable.  You were laying on your back and you twisted your legs up Indian-style but with your feet up high on your knees.  It just seemed like second nature to you and you did it so quickly that I thought...I bet that's how you spent your time inside me.

I love sleeping with you.
I had thought that maybe we'd buy one of those pack-and-play type cribs that allow co-sleeping by attaching to the bed but I can't do it.
I don't want to sleep beside you, I want to sleep with you.
You and I snuggle all night long.
You're either sleeping on my tummy or I lay you down next to me and we curl up together.  You'll naturally turn in my direction and I'll literally wrap my body around yours, cupping you. 
We sleep head to head, chest to chest.
It's...intoxicating to me. 
I feel your sweet little breath on my face and the warmth of your tiny body and I just am overcome with love for you and know for certain that neither of us are ready or wanting any nighttime separation right now.

You are a wonderous baby, for sure my Chill Gal, and I can't tell you how grateful I am for your easy-going disposition. 
You only yowl when hungry or tired and both of those things are very easily resolved.
You have quite a temper however and it's rather amusing to me when you really get going, while I'm changing your diaper or your clothes and you're simply wanting a feeding, and you get so pissed that you turn this wicked purple color and you are screaming so loud and with such gusto that your tiny little tongue is just curled up right inside the perfect "o" of your mouth.
It makes me laugh and then I can't help but smother your little pissed-off self with kisses.

I'm going to get ready for bed and then snatch you off the couch and whisk you off to bed with me.
I can't wait to snuggle with you.
