Saturday, July 3, 2010


Went back up to bed about an hour or so ago and ended up sort of taking a nap.
I don't know how much I slept really but I tried.

Feeling totally fine still!
Who knows, maybe you are planning a midnight arrival?
(I keep humming that "Born on the 4th of July" that I mentioned a few hours ago :))

I had gone upstairs initially because there's a small snafu with your name and it's the pronunciation.
We went through this with Rhyse, too!
I loved the spelling of Rhys but that was pronounced "Reece" and I did NOT like that.
To us, it looked like the way we say "Rhyse" with a long i sound but it wasn't.
So we added the e ourselves :)
Sort of have the same thing going on with you.
I spent an hour on google, trying to confirm the pronunciation that we want for your Maybe Boy name.
I found it.
We're good.
And I think we're pretty certain that this is who you'll be.

Although...suddenly, I'm back to girl thoughts!  :)
See what a disaster I am?
This has been fun for me though--the trying on of genders.
Even in the final hours of my pregnancy, I can flip back and forth, still imagining who you might be and how you'll change our family.

I was bemoaning the fact that I did not add one tiny little onesie to the 4th of July tie-dye shirts that we made with our friends the other day and then it occurred to me that...we still can!
So I think we'll spend some of this day doing a little family project for you!
I'm feeling fine so there's no reason for me to not head out for a bit if I want and in fact, it might help my contractions pick up.

This is just weird--I'm NOT contracting!  (Nothing regular, that is.)
Me, the girl who contracts for A-G-E-S during the final month of pregnancy.
Just goes to show you never really can tell what you're in for, each baby is different, as is each labor!

Everyone is up now and tearing through the neighborhood.
They've been informed of your likely arrival some time today or tonight and they're VERY excited.

Loving you already,