Sunday, July 11, 2010

You--Day Six

Okay, I'm starting to clue-in.
It has nothing to do with coffee and everything to do with stipulations.
And I think it goes a little something like this:

If no one is in the bed, or if just one of us is there, you can and will happily sleep on your own.
It also doesn't hurt that the sun is shining bright when means it isn't bedtime.
But...if both Mama and Daddy are in that bed and it is dark meaning we should ALL be happily sleeping, then someone is holding your Diva tush, yes?
Because if not, no one is sleeping.

Am I right?
Thank God I think I figured that out because I really miss my evening coffees.

Last night was a huge improvement over the last two.
I've learned NOT to wake you before I go to bed, even though logic tells me, too so I can "fill you up" before turning in myself.
But it waaaaaay backfires.
Right now, if I just let you sleep peacefully, I can maybe squeak in an hour or two before you wake on your own.
Unfortunately for me, this hour or two has typically been the best sleep I've had over the course of the week but last night was redeeming!

I don't know how much I slept in chunks but I'm guessing I got in a good two hour one and MAYBE a three hour at some point in the dawn time period.
All I know is that I feel human today.
I'm happy.
I'm showered and sort of dressed.
(I was fully dressed but, of course, you needed fed and I'm still sweating like a 45 year-old fat man so I whipped my shirt off but the good news is: MY ANKLES ARE BACK!!!!  I sweated off my cankles!  HURRAY!!)

We're going to attempt errands today.
There was a rather botched try yesterday as I ended up venturing out on my own with you to the baby store, only to arrive and feel not only like you are WAY too tiny to be out in public (you are SO SMALL!) but then to also realize that you worked up a hunger on the way from our house to the store.
AND I forgot my checking card.
So we headed back out to the car, nursed in the parking lot, and then headed home, empty-handed and exhausted.

Do you know what you've done twice now?
Smiled at me!
Yesterday when I went to take you out of your car seat, you were awake and I started cooing at you, just talking to you and you turned to me and listened...and then broke into a huge gumless grin.
I almost collapsed in the parking lot, so over-come with new mommy loooooove for you.
It was fleeting but it was there.
I do not care what baby books say, and they do say that you are unable to smile for awhile yet and that if you do, it's because you're dealing with very ungirly bodily functions, which is a load of crap if you ask me.
You smiled.
If other babies can't do it, that's their problem.
MY baby is clearly a Happiness Genius.

You're getting your PKU test today.
There's a lady coming over this afternoon to stick you.
It won't be so bad, I promise.
But all of this has been really nice for us--we've had two exams AND now a PKU test to be done and we haven't had to go anywhere!
You and I will be popping by the pediatrician at some point in the coming weeks but since we're not routinely vaccinating you, there's no rush.
We'll have several more exams with the midwives at 2, 4 and 6 weeks post-partum so we're keeping tabs on you, making sure you're growing healthy and strong.
(You are.  Already.  Sniff.)

As for me, like I said, sweating crazy, cankles have gone bye-bye, every day I feel a bit more like my old self.
Dressing sucks, as maternity clothes (tops) are way too big now and non-maternity stuff is almost too small.
You and I both are wearing like the same six things in rotation because we have "fitting issues", we do.
I changed my clothes like nine times yesterday just to go to the store.
("Honey, you just had a baby six days ago," Daddy said, watching me try and try and try and discard, discard, discard nine different shirts.
"FIVE!" I snapped.  He doesn't need to be adding my days wrong.  I just might look a little better on day six than I would on day five :))
Anyway, you'll grow and I'll shrink and we should both look smashing by November.

Off to discover why this house is so amazingly quiet...
