Monday, August 9, 2010

You--Five Weeks

We had a marathon show-down last night with you pretty much refusing to sleep from about 6:00pm until 1:00am.
I think you just became overly tired and once you were there, you couldn't settle.
I tried and tried to get you to sleep and would be successful but once I put you down on your own, that was it for you...and we'd start all over again.

The reason I can write this and am not sobbing away is because it didn't happen over-night.
I stuck it out all evening long, even rather happily at the end as I could see you fading away finally, and chuckled, "Booooy, are we gonna sleep tonight!"
(And we did--right on through til dawn.  You rock, sister.)

You're winning the house over with your sweet grins.
Everyone thinks they're special, just for them, but secretly I know you're just daydreaming about me ;)
Chas keeps saying how much he's looking forward to your soon-coming laughs.
"That's my very favorite stage!" he said with a huge smile.
Mine, too.

I had forgotten how crowd-stopping a new baby could be but you've reminded me.
People just LOVE babies and everywhere we go, there are ooglers and baby lovers.
It's been said that infants are chick magnets and I'd have to agree.
Every time I step away from your daddy, he's swarmed by ladies doused in perfume.
(I can't stand the smell of another woman on my baby.  Even someone I know and love, like Memaw.  It masks your sweet baby smell and I need that.  I CRAVE that.)

And I also had forgotten how uncomfortable public nursing makes other men.
Our waiter the other day, a young guy, nearly threw my plate at me from across the table once he realized that you were suctioned to my chest.
He couldn't see anything but just knowing what was going on seemed to make him go all hyper-weird on me.
Deal with it boys, is what I have to say.
The boobs are back. 

We've been out all day, over at Jenny's and once again you proved what a SuperBaby you are!
I'm not used to this being so dang easy--I was really thinking I'd be so wild from trying to get through the day that I'd missing chunks of hair by now.

Speaking of that...I will be losing chunks of hair soon.
My body is slowly but surely returning to The Old Me state and while this happens there are all sorts of side effects.

My hair, which will begin to fall out in the next few months from hormonal insanity, is suddenly curlyish.
This might not seem unusual unless you know me and know that my hair is typically so straight, I can't even curl it when I want to.

This isn't the first time it's happened-- it now seems to be a regular Weird Moment in terms of my postpartumness.
With Creux (but Creux only) my shoe size changed permanently, going from a six and a half, which I'd worn since middle school, to a seven.
I always thought that was a old wives tale but nope.
And I've got the sevens to prove it!

The line on my belly is starting to fade and as it does, I start to miss being pregnant a little.
I know that sounds crazy as I was so very desperate to be done there at the end but it sort of tugs at my heart to watch these little pieces of our "past" together evaporate.

I'm losing about a pound a week or so which is good.
Right there after I had you, I dropped nearly ten pounds in fluid (GOOD GRIEF!) plus all of your weight but I still have a nice little chunk to go.
It's important that I don't lose too much too fast as my appetite has gone bye-bye but for health reasons, I need to make sure I'm getting enough calories and not short-changing either of us.
I don't know what it is but I am simply ravenous while pregnant and literally as soon as I deliver, it's like my appetite goes with it.
All that being said, I'm rather excited to see my skinny jeans again and though it will be awhile, it will be a nice little heartfelt reunion :)

You're five weeks old today.
You are the tiniest little light of my life.
I can't imagine even a day without you in my arms.

I love you so very, very much.
