Monday, August 2, 2010

Four Weeks

I don't have long because I can hear you yowling downstairs.
I'm locked in my bathroom where no one can find me.
The extremes I go to just to find a bit of quiet around here...(and let me just say that this floor is not cushy.)

A whole month you've been around.
Looking back at this day a month ago, we were just snuggled into bed together--our first night.
I remember it so clearly, remember constantly looking over at you, and feeling so lucky.
Everything had worked out in the end and boy, am I EVER so glad we walked out of that hospital and into our nest.
I'll admit it was slightly unsettling, maybe because even I've never known anyone to just...leave...a hospital before (and I faced a firing squad of white coats too AND a super fun phone call from the neonatalogist--all hell-bent on beating it in to me just how stupid and crazy they thought I was) was the right thing to do for us.

Already you are so different to me, so much less this new bundle of flesh and now just more my baby.
My daughter.
You smile every day.
I can already hear the giggles that will soon come, the deep baby belly laughs that crack me up and still bring tears to my eyes because they're just so damn sweet.
As are you.
SO sweet.

have twice slept from 1:00-7:00am
are achingly adorable in your bathtub--like a little wet kitten
suddenly have curls galore at the back bottom of your hair
are now outside my door mewling for me
still like to be swaddled
sometimes sleep alone
are getting louder
tolerate the swing--and your siblings
are a two-boob girl these days, no more onesies
now have tears
are killing me with your cries so I must go.


P.S...this is pretty much indicative of the time I have "free" in the evenings.
I don't.
You are a cluster feeder and need/want me constantly during these pre-nighttime hours.
Despite hogging any "me time" that was once available to me, I still love you, you little Time-Sucker :)