Sunday, February 20, 2011

You--32 Weeks, 6 Days

It's been a huge week for you--things are happening fast now.
I knew they'd pick up.
Just like that, life is stealing my baby.  Sigh.

--You're mimicking big-time right now.  If we blow raspberries at you, you'll do it back almost immediately.
If we make a loud, annoying, one syllable sound, you'll beam and then open your cute little mouth and make a sound back. 
Frankly, it's the cutest thing to happen in 2009, 10 and the beginning of 11 all rolled into one.

--You're responding to your name.

--MAN, are you on the move.  Early this week you were commando crawling, dragging yourself around elbow-first and it seemed like such an effort.  Then you moved to all fours and now seem to prefer that method of transportation better. 
Totally new is this crawl-to-bridge move that you do where you start crawling, stop, and then pick yourself up off the ground so that only your hands and feet are touching and you're in the shape of a bridge.
It's wild, girl!
SLOW DOWN because that makes me think of you starting to pull up on stuff and begin walking and I'm just not ready for that.

--You are no longer sleeping with me at night.  I can't do it, Luxe.  You sleep so much better in your crib next to me and if I let you snuggle in my bed, you wake me every two hours.  I miss you so much already and hate that that period is gone for us but I really think it is. 

--Due to this move, the weaning process has started.  Several times this week I've woken up soaked with milk from you sleeping through feedings.  My body had become accustomed to your night wakings and so made enough milk for that but when you sleep so well at night (it's hit or miss right now, really), I'm a mess.
It won't take long for me to adjust but we're definitely starting the slow, drawn-out process of weaning.  This will take months (I usually nurse for about 16 months or so which would put us half way there) but the feedings will become less and less as you sleep longer and begin solid food.

How did we get here so fast???

--Speaking of food, you're liking it!  We started with just some sweet bananas and then this weekend we got a little crazy.  Being baby number five, we're very loosey goosey with food stuffs with you.  Meaning, last night you had a mix of blueberry, apple, and banana for dinner (because we had pizza and smoothies and that was all I could give you from my plate) and then you just ended up having bites of smoothie, full of fruit, which you LOVED (and hopefully you aren't allergic to anything because there's like 75 fruits in our smoothies) and tonight was even worse.  (Better!) 
Steamed broccoli (you no likey), bits of the soft inside of a red potato (which you loved--and I chunked it super small and set it in front of you and you fed yourself!), and then (oh, this is bad) some, uh, pasta in red sauce, flavored with fresh basil and...cayenne pepper. 
I didn't know that when I gave it to you and you were like an instantenous red pasta-y crack addict and wouldn't stop lunging for my plate and begging me with your eyes so you had quite a bit.
You're sleeping peacefully now but I'm terrified that you might wake with heartburn!
Suffice it to say that solid foods are here to stay and I'm so glad we waited as long as we did because you're truly ready and already starting to self-feed.  YAY!

--There was a nice warm snap recently where you were able to get out and take walks in your stroller.  You love being outside which is good because your siblings LIVE outside in the spring, summer, and fall and that's where you'll be 99% of the time. 

--I can't wait to take you to the beach.  I simply can not wait.  I am excited to stuff you into a bathing suit and slap on the CUTEST little sun hat (that I picked up recently online.)  It's got your favorite, favorite flower stamped right on the side!  (That's a joke because you're starting to hate those headbands with the big flowers attached.  And I've already told you that I don't care!  You can hate it all you want, you look adorable in it!  Humor me, please!!!)

--I see two bottom teeth starting to glow from under your gums.  Yowzas, sister, those are going to hurt.  Your mouth is going to suck for a little while so this is your heads-up.  I'll do my best to cuddle and nurse you lots but it's going to get worse before it gets better.
But I promise that once you're done, I'll get you an ice cream cone.
You have no idea what this is (though you should because you made me eat AT LEAST ten pounds worth of that crap during your gestation.  (!!!!) but it's tasty, Luxie--you'll love it!
If you bite my boob though, all bets are O-F-F!

--You can shake your head "no" but I don't really think it means no to you.  I think you like the way it feels on the new hair that's growing in to your baldy spot in the back but your siblings love it!  They just crack up whenever you do it.  It's also another thing you'll mimic--if we do it, you'll smile and then do it too.  CUTE!

--Speaking of hair, yours is a beautiful mix of blonde, brown and red.  When I take pictures, the red tones really light up under the camera's flash and it's so pretty to see.  Your eyebrows are strawberry blondish and so are your gorgey little eyelashes.  You look like a doll to me--so perfectly lovely with just the right about of plump, and those big blue eyes.  They're something else--just like your sister's!  (Well, and Chas and Creux's, too.  Those blue eyes run deep in this family.  Sigh.  Daddy trumps my greens every time.  (Except once!  Nahnahnahnahbooboo!))

--Also with the hair?  You have very little length on top but these long...wispy sideburns (?) on the sides.  Like I could pigtail the hair down by your ears.  It's strange.  It's adorable, don't get me wrong, but it's...strange.  You and hair have kind of had a checkered past together--hopefully that gets better. 
If not, I'm sure Creux would be happy to take you into some back corner and lop it off with a pair of scissors that he's snuck from my bin THAT HE'S NEVER SUPPOSED TO BE IN.

These changes are all so neat to see and it's such a blessing that you are getting so big and strong!
I do miss my little newborny angel but then you smile at me and I miss her less.
Because as sweet as that newborn was, you're pretty darn fantastic right now too and I don't want to waste a second with you.

I love you so much.
My big girl!
