Sunday, February 13, 2011

You--31 Weeks, 6 Days

You slept alone last night--the very first time in your life that you haven't slept next to me.
And you slept all through the night.

For the past several months (two?  three?  they're all blending together in a horrific sleep deprived way.) you've been up about every three hours or so over the course of the night. 
Frankly, it's been killing me.
My only saving grace has been that we've been very light on our obligatory schedules so I've been able to sleep longer in the mornings than I will be able to as soon as spring arrives and our regular, insanely crazy, schedules resume.

You slept better as a newborn which is sort of like a slap in the face for me.
I remember those six to seven hour stretches--I don't think I ever really felt all that tired in the first several months with you because I was so well rested.

Ah, but you've been making up for lost time!
Your usual pattern of late is a 1:00am feeding when I go to bed...then again at 4:00ish, again at 6:30ish, again at 9:00 when we wake and get up for the day.

It has SUCKED, Luxe!

But last night, I came home late from a date.
You were awake and waiting on me.
At 11:30, I nursed you.
And in an unprecedented move, I placed you back into your crib.
And in an unprecedented reaction, you actually went back to sleep.

You slept on through the night until 9:00am this morning.
I did not.

I woke at 5:30 to make sure you were still breathing.
I did this two more times before 9:00am.
Irrational, I know.
But still.
It's kind of unsettling when you just hunker down for 2,000 hours unexpectedly!

By 7:00, I was uncomfortable due to needing to feed you and by 8:45, I was willing you awake.
You made one little peep and I leaped from my bed.
Surely I was glad to see you after so many hours apart but also, I needed you BAD.
My body isn't so used to going 2,000 hours between feedings and let me tell you, it no likey.

--You are crawling!
Officially and FAST!
Eveything that was previously out-of-range for you no longer is.
All the cracks and dusty crevices of the house are now fair game.
That makes me a little nervous because the faster you are, the more of a hazard you are to yourself.
A baby gate installation at the top of basement stairs is now first on my weekend's Grit List.

--If we say, "bababababababa!" then you'll watch and smile and suddenly your jaw will start making the movement needed to form that word too and you'll do it two or three times silently and then you'll blare out, "bababababababa!" and we'll all cheer and you beam fabulously.
Proud of yourself and tickled too.

--You're giving kisses!  You started this with Daddy this morning, where he makes the kissy sound with his lips and then you'll lean in and get ridiculously fresh with him.
I elbowed him out of the way for my own turn and I got the same sweet tongue lapping at my lips.

You are so cute, I could eat you.

--You pulled your headband off the other day and it stunned me that you are suddenly old enough to do that.  You've been quite captive with that thing, allowing me full access to adorn you like a giant spring bloom but now, you're fighting back.
Too bad, sister--I say the flower stays!

--You're tasting food too!  Really only a banana for now.  I ordered half of the other day for your full dining pleasure.  A chair, a bib, some bowls and spoons, a netted fruit thingy that is impossible to clean and grosses me out totally but allows you to self-feed and explore food a bit.  You're ready for the table and as for food?  We'll see how the next month goes.  I'd like to see a few teeth in there first, not because you need them to eat but because it signals that you're body is likely ready for more than my milk.
And do you know what?
I think I do!
I think your two bottoms are coming!
Yay!  (Oh no!)

I know I say it all the time, Luxie, but you're just the best baby in the whole world.
You make my life so much easier than it could be.
You are my Chill Baby.
Thank you for fulfilling my request--and I'm so glad you ended up being a girl.
Have I said that before?
Well, I am.
I know I would have loved you all the same if you were a little boy but I am so delighted that you are who you are.

Seven months old.
Where has the time gone?

I love you!