Sunday, November 29, 2009

8 Weeks, 2 Days

Last night, upon heading up to bed, I was far sicker than ever before.
Painfully, WOEFULLY, sick.
That was three for three yesterday--for every meal I ate, I battled the Porcelain Queen.
I limped to bed just...disheartened.
How in the world will I ever make it for another several weeks?
I've done literally nothing this entire holiday weekend except lay on the couch...and vomit.
That's truly been the extent of my Thanksgiving break.

I didn't have high hopes for today.
"Date Day."
Daddy and I needed to do some Christmas shopping and, knowing I'd be out all afternoon, away from my bed and my clean, clean potty, I was worried.

I've not been able to drink my normal massive mug of coffee (which I cherish very much, by the way), so some of my lethargy I attribute to a wicked caffeine withdrawl.
None of you babies has ever allowed me to savor my morning energy kick early on in pregnancy.
Which tells me that though the studies say it's not bad for can't be that great either.
You know it's not needed therefore you make me PAINFULLY reject it.
But this morning, I asked Daddy to make mine unsweet--normally the sweeter the better for me, but I can't stomach the syrupy-sugary taste right now.
He made it perfectly.  And I was able to sip it down AND hold onto my toast.
I fought for it though, heading into the potty once and then, after gulping mass quantities of air and dry heaving a few times, I walked back out.
I'd already been through Hair and Makeup, you see.
Victory was mine.
And it was swuh-eeet!

We had a great day! 
A GREAT day!
The sun was shining and the temperature was perfect for outdoorsy shopping so we headed up to Easton for the afternoon.
I did just fine until I started to get hungry and then I became really queasy.
Walking into a restaurant where many different food fragrances are whizzing through the air is just a death-trap for me.
I was literally gagging at the hostess stand, wanting to turn and run, but knowing that food was what would strangely make me feel better.

And it did!
We ate at Brio and I had, for the first time in weeks, a whole plate full of lettuce--a very yummy grilled chicken ceaser salad.  (Which we loved so much, I've already made plans for our return later this week. YUM.)   Our usual salad dressing is far too tangy for me right now so I've been unable to eat ANY salad since I began getting sick a few weeks back but this salad was perfect for us.

My energy stayed high the whole time we were out though I collapsed on the couch for a snooze minutes after walking through the door.
But I was able to rally again and actually sort of cleaned the house, which looks like CRAP, by the way.
When Mama is down, Daddy does an amazing job holding down the fort and he does clean up a lot but there's just too much for one person to do.
And he doesn't mind messes as much as I do.
He can go to bed just fine with untidy counters or toys left on the floor in the play room.
I can not.
When I wake in the morning, I have to be on the tip-top of my game and that kind of stuff distracts me and makes me feel like I'm already behind.
SO...we need to start feeling better because I have LOADS to do before you arrive and I spend three months doing nothing but being your 24-hour boobie bar.

I peeked a my weekly pregnancy book today and caught a glimpse of what you probably look like right now.
You're tiny, itty-bitty in fact, (I mentioned before, the size of a pinto bean) but you're almost fully formed.
You're looking very...humanish, my love :)
Back on week six, you reminded me of a wee shrimp, what with that curved tail.
Don't get my wrong, I was smitten by the shrimpy you, but it's wonderful to see how far you've progressed.
I certainly know how hard you're working in there because you are taking darn near everything I have to pull yourself together....but I don't mind.
Much. :)
WHAT you're living on is really sort of interesting to me since almost all of my food ends up in the toilet but you must be making do with something, huh?

Thanks for this great day.
I did not spend it wrestling my paranoia, like I did the last time you handed me a Puke Pass.
I just enjoyed it.

Loving you already,
Mama would be simply divine if I could feel well enough tomorrow to at least bark out orders.  We need to get our holiday decorations up and I really need to crack the whip on this family.  I'm much more popular when I'm up and helping, instead of lying on the couch, wrapped up in my blankey, bossing everyone around while juggling my water and the remote.  (What is with the massive water consumption, anyway?  I'm so stinkin' thirsty, I could be dragging myself through the Sahara instead of just walking from the car to the kitchen.) 

Alright kiddo.  Off to bed we go....