Wednesday, October 20, 2010

You--15 Weeks, 3 Days

You're much better!
That was a doozy of a cold and it definitely had you down for a few days but you're so much better now.
I suspect that we had a touch of strep here in the house so I was worried that you'd pick it up.
But you probably had enough good exposure and had the immunities that I was building up on my own, passed to you through my milk, that it kept you from getting super sick.
I'm just glad it's over!
Sick babies are the WORST in a family.
My worry shifts into over-drive.

I bought you a teething toy yesterday.
It's CRAZY to think that you're just about four months old and this teething business is really just right around the corner.

So is rolling.
You flipped onto your side while lying on your activity mat today.
It won't be long now and you'll be a rolling machine.
Then crawling.
Then walking.
Our babies usually walk between 9-10 months (freakishly gross-motor advanced, I'm telling ya!) and to look at you, it's insane to think of you toddling around this place in six months time.
But it'll happen in the blink of an eye.

We had to switch your swing from the cradle rock, side-to-side, to the safer front-to-back mode.
You were trying to sit up in that thing and ended up slumping over one side, scaring the life out of me repeatedly.

You've moved into size 2 diapers.
And it's funny to me, now that you're all super cute and chunked out, that EVERYONE comments on how much you look like your daddy.
It's true.
All of you babies do at this point, with Creux probably resembling Daddy the most as an infant but you all have those round Martin eyes, as blue as the sea, and there just becomes this really strong family resemblence that I can't quite put my finger on...I just identify it as "Martin" like everyone else does.
I'm hearing less the Greer connection and more Daddy right now.

In private, Daddy says, "We've had a lot of sweet babies but she may just be the sweetest."
Which makes me laugh.
Because he does not realize that he says that every time we have a new baby.
And I'm not telling you that to diminish his statement (because it really may be true) but to point out what a baby lover he really is and how lucky you are to be his.
He's simply the best when it comes to you babies.
He's never put out about stuff--never complains when I wake him to change a diaper, or when I ask him to give a bath, change an outfit, hold so I can get a break, whatever.
It always seems to be his pleasure.
And YOU have already wrapped him around your eensy weensy finger.
I saw him laying on the bed tonight with you--you were just dazzling him with smiles and he was caught up in your sweetness.
It's precious, really.

You laugh when I chomp your neck.
The boys like when you slap at your dangling toys.
You no longer scream in the car.  (WHEW.)
You light up whenever a sibling magically appears an inch from your nose though I can tell that Creux makes you slightly uncomfortable still.
(Me too, doll, me too ;))

Halloween is almost here.
I've been sort of tripping down my own Memory Lane, remembering this time from last year.
From before I knew of you.
We were at a farm recently and I walked by a place where I remembered us gathering for a family photo last October and it took me back there in my mind.  I remember thinking: "I wonder if there will be someone else in this picture next year?  Am I pregnant?"
I was pretty sure there would be.
And I was pretty sure I was.
But you never know.
Still, I was excited about the idea.

And you are better than I could have ever imagined.

I love you, Luxie-Lu.
