Tuesday, November 30, 2010

You--21 Weeks, 1 Day

Oh, Luxie.

We have chunk roll issues.  I've had to put the whole family on notice that when you receive a diaper change, the FOLDS OF YOUR THIGHS need a swipe too.
Because they're turning red and sore due to trappage of scuzzage.
NOT very lady-like, my dear.
(Kinda gross but still cute because I love a good thigh roll.  I can't help it.  I also squeeze your little bum cheeks to accentuate your ripples of deliciousness.  Yes, I know this is weird.  I do not care.)

You slept eight hours last night and I slept six.
I feel vindicated today.
Like I won something.
Which I did: sleep.

You slept so long because you were up really late.
You normally go down (in your swing which needs to S-T-O-P) around 8:00-8:30.
But last night, it was 10:30 before you gave in and that was only because I broke down and nursed you again.

You need to start sleeping upstairs (um, the way I originally wanted you to) but I'm hesitant to move you because of your lack of room space. 
I don't want to move you to my bed for naps alone because I will only have to transition you in a month or so out of the bed and into a crib because you'll be rolling on your own.
Two transitions are way worse than one cuz I know you ain't gonna like the one as it is.
But it must be done.
You're settling into the 2.5 naps a day thing, pretty regularly, so...we need to get crackin' on a space for you.
Since you are sleeping through the night, (or are able to when feeling good), there's no reason to keep you in bed with me at this point.

But I want to.
We'll probably keep the night time co-sleeps for a time longer--I hate when that goes.
And at the same time, I remember when Creux left....it was hard for a few days and then I was like, "WOW, I like not tip-toeing around!"
So I know there's an upshot to taking my space back but still.
I love me my snugglers.

Interestingly, probably because you're such a good sleeper and aren't eating around the clock, I think you're lifting the ban on the suppression of my fertility.
I normally don't get my periods back until about a year later--so this is REALLY early for me.
Creux didn't sleep how you're sleeping until he was 16 months old and by then, he was taking in solid food and cutting back on breastmilk.

I'm not going to wake you up at night to feed you just to stall the return of my monthlies but DARN...I was hoping for more time, I guess because it's quite nice without it!
And look, while I would absolutely welcome another little sweet one at some point, I'd like to not be starting another installment of "Expectant" just yet, if you know what I mean.
Plus, your dad would have heart failure so....you know.

We're heading out on date night--with you starring as chaperone!
Chaperoness :)

Uh oh, I hear you.
Through the vents.
And I don't even have my makeup done!
Must run!
See you in a moment when Emily comes in search of a feed source!
