Wednesday, July 14, 2010

You--One Week, 2 Days

I can't write to you if you don't let me go at some point in the day.
Do you want these entries or not, sister?

Playing catch-up here because I'm also working on your Birth Story and it's taking me AGES because every time I sit down to write, you call me back upstairs to feed!

are sleeping magnificently at night--5-6 hour stretches
are a hellbeast during the day because you're starved from the night
have lost your umbilical cord stump
just had your first "big girl" bath
are currently screaming for me

might be a thumb-sucker
had a really, really bad hair day today
have a clogged tear duct in your right eye
are a pooping machine
and I snuggled today most deliciously--curled right up into each other
have gone quiet for the last minute and now I'm wondering if you've fallen asleep or have accidentally smothered yourself.

seem like my Chill Baby, despite your wicked little temper
(Daddy says you have my coping skills and I'd have to agree.)
are screaming again.


Am just one big boob to you, aren't I?

(who would write more but you now sound really very serious about being picked up IMMEDIATELY)