Sunday, July 4, 2010


Listen to me.

You have to come out and you have to do it soon or we're hospital bound.
If I go into the hospital and then tell them I've been leaking fluid for over 24 hours, I'm going to be treated very aggressively most likely, hooked up to Pitocen and antibiotics.
And that says nothing of how I'll probably be treated personally for attempting a homebirth and then showing up there.

I do not want any part of any of that.
They'll get you here and they'll do it immediately but I think it's going to suck real bad for both of us.

Because of the risk of infection, my midwives are very hesitant to mess with a uterus that is not in labor.
They seem to feel more comfortable going the hospital route than taking any chances, which I can and do appreciate.

I'm going to try a few things to stimulate our labor.
I really, really, really need you to cooperate because if you don't, I'm first going to have a meltdown of EPIC proportions and then I'm going to have to do something I really don't want for us.

You have run out of time.
Move. Your. You-Know-What and that's an order.
I'm your mother and am totally allowed to rule your life starting NOW.