Wednesday, March 17, 2010

23 Weeks, 5 Days

It happened, didn't it?
Didn't I say that around 24 weeks, you'd be squashed like a...well, like a baby in there?
Sometimes you kids are so predictable :)

I have to tell you, your suddenly limited mobility has me sort of gleeful.
You were seriously attacking me for awhile!  All those well-placed knocks and whaps were taking a toll!
And you're still knocking in there but I can definitely tell you've lost your freedom significantly.
You're kicking in about the same three spots, as opposed to flying around like you're on a trapeze and banging kamikaze into whatever organ or wall you come across.
And you're squirming now.
No more exotic, rampant, unrestricted flipping for you, wee one!
Now we'll just have to see if you're the type of baby who is comfortable chilling out (a girl) or if you're going to totally re-arrange my stomach on a daily basis in order to prove that you CAN still do it (a boy).

I can sit back and watch you move now.
My stomach will jump as you kick, like a little jack-rabbit.
I laid on the couch briefly today and just watched--no matter how many times I go through this whole pregnancy bit, this part never gets old.
It's so amazing, I honestly marvel at the miracle of pregnancy.
I can't believe your fully formed and alive and wiggling around...yet trapped inside my body, waiting until you're big enough to survive without me.
It's astounding to witness, to play my role in it all.
To grow a new life is such an...honor.

Spring has arrived and with it has come a new perspective for me!
I've been able to get out and enjoy the weather, play with my Littles, oooh and ahhh over the daring feats of your older brothers (egads!).
You and I and Creux have been on walks every day this week--today we were joined by the whole gang!
It feels so good to move and to get a bit of fresh air.
I hope you and I will be able to do this together shortly after you arrive, surely in the evenings when the hot sun goes down and the day cools off. 
It's been awhile since I've walked with a baby snug against my chest.
I can't wait to hold you.
We'll sit on the porch swing and watch everyone play, spending complete days just swinging together.
It's going to be a terrific summer around these parts.

I just wanted to write today because I'm feeling so great and I want it noted.
(You'll understand why right around week 32 or 33.  If I'm really lucky, perhaps week 34.  The posts around week 39 will likely have to be totally deleted :) There are diva days ahead, my love.)
I haven't napped all week long, there's been no need.
I feel amazing, so amazing that sometimes I forget you're there until you nudge me, almost a startling reminder of your existence.
And that's not a bad thing.
It's wonderful.
Plus, I can almost wear those flip-flops that require no bending.
Things are really looking up...

Loving you already,
Mama (who is finding it really hard today to fight her baby lust)