Sunday, January 16, 2011

You--26 Weeks, 5 Days

On the move, lady!
You're taking off over here and seem to be just over the moon about your newfound tricks!
I wouldn't exactly say that you're crawling but rather creeping...sliding, dragging, pulling.
You kind of move backwards which is something others of you kids have done.
Strangely, I get it.
(I can whistle that way and only that way.  I can't whistle out but rather do it by sucking air back IN. 
Weird Mom Fact for the day!)

You're sitting big, too!
Toppling over less and less though still not sturdy enough for me to remove all manner of pillow proppage but on your way.

And I just bought size THREE diapers, you pudgy little princess!

My girl is growing up.

I joke with the sniff (sort of) because I'm having so much fun with you.
Your personality is firmly in place and girl, you are FUNNY!
And you like to have fun which is fantastic because we are a houseful of regular jokesters.

Your room is coming along, too, Luxie.
Slowly but it's coming.
It's going to be gorgeous when it's through--almost so gorgeous that I'm excited to move you right on down the hall.
Well, not quite that gorgeous.
I still want you with me.
After I wrote about you moving out in the last post, I had a whopping case of back-pedaling.
Is a pack-n-play in my room so bad after all?
I mean, really?  Is it?
You won't be there forever. (This is what I tell Daddy, who, frankly, is just fine with you moving out--he loves you, just wants his bed back.  And wife.  You and I are like peanut butter and jelly right now.  You just don't separate them!  EVER!!!)

These things have a way of working out though so I know to just let it roll however it rolls for me.
I might have major anxiety about it and realize that I'm just not ready on that day and then three days later, I'll be at peace with it.
(When it's time, weaning goes the same way.  I just need to respect my own feelings on the matter because deep down, I know when I'm ready for changes and that usually goes hand-in-hand when you babies are ready.  One does not go without the other for peace of mind.)

We'll see how we feel when the room is finished.
Who knows, you may take one look at the place and leap from my arms into the crib!

Yeah, I'm not counting on it either.

Anyway, I just thought I'd pop by here and say that you're still unbeatably the happiest baby on the block.
And that I love you so much.
